


Moriah High School offers an alternative learning program that meets students at their current academic level. Our girls excel and meet their potential through individualized learning plans accompanied by a warm, accepting and observant environment. In addition to traditional learning, our students enjoy a broad range of credits and programs, including yoga, field trips, culinary workshops and community involvement.
Moriah welcomes all Jewish frum girls that are interested in growing in their connection to Hashem. Many Rabbis across Toronto are supportive of Moriah High School and its philosophy and strongly encourage our growth and success. R. Levi Jacobson, Rabbi and Director of JRCC West, R. Daniel Korobkin, Rabbi of Beth Avraham Yosef of Toronto Congregation, R. Yosef Oziel, Rabbi of Petah Tikvah Congregation R. Sam Taylor, Senior Rabbi of Shaarei Shomayim
The student at Moriah High School is a girl who: -thrives with accommodated and experiential learning -is receptive to individualized online instructions combined with in-person supports and -is interested in collaborating in a resource room experience, augmented with out-of-class learning such as chessed projects
There are two streams currently offered at Moriah High School. Each class will be capped at a ratio of 1:10.
For girls that may need more time to complete all 30 mandatory credits for an OSSD, the option to extend your time at Moriah as well as access to summer learning is available.
Moriah is partnered with Rise Academy, a virtual academy that specializes in providing personalized one-on-one instruction to students, leveraging their strengths to advance their learning. Rise Academy courses are ministry accredited.
Due to Moriah’s personalized learning, students are often able to take on and complete courses from different grades within the same year.
Due to Moriah’s personalized learning, students are often able to take on and complete courses from different grades within the same year.
Fantastic! We are looking forward to hearing from you! Please contact Sarah at 905.366.9655