

Providing engaging and personally relevant Jewish studies...

to foster curiosity and spiritual growth

Moriah High School stands out as a beacon of innovative religious education where Jewish studies are designed to be engaging and personally relevant. Our approach is rooted in a profound respect for each student’s individuality, aiming to inspire intellectual and spiritual engagement through an interactive learning environment.

Engaging Curriculum

At Moriah High School, our courses are not limited to traditional classroom settings but extend into experiential learning opportunities that bring Jewish teachings to life. For instance, courses like Chessed and Culinary Arts such as challah baking and its significance, offer hands-on experiences that make the material relatable and memorable. This approach ensures that students live their heritage, fostering a personal connection to their Jewish identity.

Personal Relevance and Individual Growth

We include unique courses such as Soul Quest, where students delve into Chassidic philosophy and Jewish Feminism which explores the stories of great female leaders in Jewish history. These courses provide students with a sense of purpose and belonging. By focusing on personal relevance, we help students see the practical applications of their studies in their daily lives, strengthening their commitment to their faith and community.

Nurturing Spiritual Growth

Moriah High School places a strong emphasis on spiritual development. Daily davening (prayer) and journaling sessions allow students to reflect on their relationship with Hashem and cultivate gratitude. This practice enhances their spiritual awareness and promotes mental well-being and a positive outlook on life. Halacha teaches students the importance of living a halachic life reinforcing the connection between spiritual practice and personal fulfillment.

Supportive and Engaging Environment

Our dedicated educators prioritize building supportive relationships with students. They are committed to addressing the needs of each student creating a nurturing environment where every student feels valued and understood. This individualized attention helps students develop a strong sense of self-worth and confidence in their abilities.

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School Hours

Mon - Fri: 9am - 4pm



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